Detailed pictures of our restored Volkswagen Camper – a 1967 Deluxe 13 window Bus
VW Camper finished restoration – interior pics
Restoring a VW Bus takes time and patience – considerably more than a Beetle for example. There is so much more to in a Camper – its longer, taller, has more doors, more seats, its heavier and as for that headliner.. click pictures to show hi resolution
The view from the drivers door – bench seating for up to three people although the poor person in the middle has to also deal with the gear lever getting in the way. Note the accessory extension on the gear lever and handbrake – both period. The steering wheel was restored by Kochs as was the deluxe horn push with its gold crest. The steering wheel is actually silver beige – a subtle colour change to rest of the interior – L472 Beige Grey. 12V sticker proudly displaying the switch from the previous years 6V system, all new mesh platinum seat covers curtesy of TMI;
This is the view from the other side, more details to notice here – the clock is deluxe only, as is the chrome ashtray, visible in this picture are safari window tabs ready to accept safari windows, the parcel tray from the factory would have had a similar platinum material glued to it, note the location of the upper seatbelt point for the driver – this was not present from the factory but a welcome safety feature, visible too in the picture is a white knob for the heater lever – another repro accessory from the period;
Perhaps the more challenging tasks to undertake in a VW Camper – a replacement headliner, only if you try it yourself will you understand the pain and shear amount of time involved in getting this sort of finish;
As you open the side cargo doors this is the view looking forward, this is bench model 13 window Bus and so should really have a full width middle seat that had a fold down end seat but for convenience and lack of that many passengers a shorter 2/3 style middle seat was used – a walk through middle seat. The drinks tray is actually a trim cover over the bulge for the spare wheel which is accessed from behind the passenger seat. Visible at the bottom of the picture is the kick panel for the middle seat – this is ‘inset’ from previous years making this arrangement a one year only setup;
Standing at the same door here is the view looking toward the rear of the Van – lap seatbelts, rear seat kick panel with heater cutout, grey armrests on the long trim, grab handle on the c post by the door, coat hook on the opposite side, jail bars on the rear side windows – non-opening of course, and the 67 correct grab handles on the top of the middle seat – identified by the downward slope to the centre attachment point;
Looking in from the back of the bus – the long smooth headliner, all those side windows including six pop outs, rear seat jailbar, period Cabot cooler, dome light for passengers, and just visible – another 67 one year only part – an offset rear view mirror;
Finally a picture of the engine – plenty of original detail here – correct oil bath air cleaner, powder coated inlet manifold, restored period carburetor, correct vac advance distributor, restored grey petrol tank, battery ground strap – even the rubber boots for the number plate light and the fresh air hoses;