Sampling the delights of a Joker Hightop – a very practical T25 campervan. Looking down the barrel of a 1500 mile roundtrip to the south of France we definitely wanted a diesel powered VW camper to make us fall in love with these campers – oh so practical. Read the rest of this entry »
Bought in 2009 from ebay with a short description and 3 photos. Quite the gamble but the right ingredients were there – seating for up to 6 people and a covered load area for moving stuff around. Diesel powered so what could possibly go wrong.. Read the rest of this entry »

This is the first bus we bought back in Oct 2002, bought through
Our first Bus – an SO-42
This is the first bus we bought back in October 2002, bought through, this bus came out of Kansas. Looking lovely in its velvet green L512 probably original paint, nice fresh white bumpers – US spec of course and of course the safari windows, Read the rest of this entry »