VW Camper hinge pin removal made easy – special tool for VW bus and VW Beetles
VW Door hinge pin removal tool and tips
Ever tried to remove a hinge pin from VW bus door? After several hours with a punch and a steadily bigger and bigger hammer there is definitely a trick to this pin removal idea. Joey Cogdill makes these superb tools which make taking the pin out of a door infinitely more achievable than plain hand tools.
But why remove the pins anyway? Read the rest of this entry »

Want to remove those rusted out doors but the screws are not coming out?
VW Camper Repair Guide – Rusty screw and bolt removal
Rusted doors and decklids can sometimes present some incredible challenges to get the screws out – especially in the more damp countries such as the UK. A simple screwdriver is not going to budge the big screws and will damage the screwhead quicker than you think, so before that happens read about some of the methods we’ve come across all with varying levels of success. In order of least successful. Read the rest of this entry »
Getting a title for a vehicle in the state of North Carolina is not quite as straightforward as it used to be. Way back I suppose the rule of possession was king, but evidentally this got abused and so the DMV and lawmakers set about introducing legislation to stop the abuse. Read the rest of this entry »

One of the more popular colour combinations for a VW Camper
L555 Titian Red Beige Grey VW Campervans
A deep red in colour – L555 titian red lower with L472 beige grey upper – this was a VW Camper colour scheme for model years 1966 and 1967 split screen buses (interestingly titan red was also used for 1968 bay window buses). The VW museum would call it tiziano rot – the German version of the name. Read the rest of this entry »

What we did to rewire the US spec rear lights to be Euro spec
Rewiring Lights on our VW Camper Vans for UK use
This is a guide on how to modify the wiring on a US spec bus such that we have seperate flashing indicators of orange or amber colour – UK and Europe legal.
US spec rear lights are a little different to european spec – in the US it was and still is common to see the brake light used as the indicator – thus you will see a set of brake lights come on as the driver slows and then one brake light will flash as the driver uses his indicator. The bulb is a normal 1157 dual filament bulb (5W / 25W) BA15s bayonet arrangement. Read the rest of this entry »
For a US spec vehicle there are a number of challenges to overcome in order to get a UK registration. Perhaps the biggest thing to realise is that in most US states there are no inspections for vehicles over a certain age – not even safety inspections, hence it is possible that although the bus was being driven on the road in the US that it will require some specific work to make it meet a UK MOT test. Read the rest of this entry »
Before the second world war Hitler wanted an inexpensive car for working man and so Ferdinand Porsche was enlisted to design such a car. In 1938 Volkswagenwerk GmbH was formed – the name ‘Volkswagen’ means ‘People’s car’ in Germany. However the Volkswagen factory was mainly involved in manufacturing military vehicles – Hitler secretly Read the rest of this entry »
This site has been built with projects in mind, and so to help navigate through the various articles each major project will have its own gravatar. Clicking on the gravatar – either in the post header or the projects box – will show all the articles related to that project. Cool huh?
For example Read the rest of this entry »

Use the tag cloud to find pertinent pictures you’re looking for
How to use the gallery tags – TAGGED
Busandcamper has a very powerful tag feature in the gallery, using a similar approach to tags in wordpress blogs we have placed tags in the pictures with what is relevant in the them.
Use the tag cloud at the bottom of the gallery page you can select what you would like to see, for example Read the rest of this entry »