Want a primer paintjob but also want something waterproof – Epoxy primer is a perfect solution. Here we put DragBus through a bodyshop to get flatted back, skimmed and painted with Sherwin Williams E2A933 Primer Gray. Read the rest of this entry »

How we saved time and money by repairing rather than replacing
VW Campervan Repair Guide – Welding Pinholes
If you have small pinholes in your rocker panels there are several options to repair, either cut out the whole rocker and replace the panel or if the holes are small why not weld them shut again and avoid the bondo body filler route. Read the rest of this entry »

Tempted by some cheap Brazilian made metal for your VW Camper
Guide to Rear Aprons – new Brazil or original German part
Our VW Buses are now over 40 years old, and this in the lifetime of steel that can corrode is a long time. Some of the sheetmetal steel can be replaced, for example rocker covers or sills etc, here we take a quick look at a Brazilian made rear apron for a 1966/67 Volkswagen Camper – sometimes also called a rear valence. Read the rest of this entry »

Whats it like driving a big engine VW Bus – here is the driver POV
DragBus – a day out at the Drag Strip
So whats it like driving a big engine in a Volkswagen Bus – even better a Rat Style Camper. The stock engine generates about 30-50 Hp on a good day and in good tune, which when used to push a Bus around makes for slow progress. Our 2276cc engine should make around 150 hp – that’s about 3 times more powerful and as such should feel quite different. Read the rest of this entry »

How we lowered DragBus using Beetle suspension components
Straight Axle kit on our Campervan Dragbus
A Rat style Bus would not be Hoodride unless its lowered and this was on the plan from the start. So out with the old gearbox and in with a upgraded Beetle based gearbox. Read the rest of this entry »

A big engined Bus and a drag strip calling – does my engine look big in this
DragBus Rat Hoodride 4 – our BIG 2276cc VW engine
The Bus is now sort of painted and our attention turns to the engine and drivetrain. With a keen eye on the BWA club in England www.buseswithattitude.co.uk – we’d like to prepare something that is along the lines of fellow members rides. To be a member of BWA is reasonably involved but the essentials are to run an observed and timed sub 18 secs on a 1/4 mile in a Volkswagen Bus. Read the rest of this entry »

A Rat Look VW Camper – nothing better than a primer paint job then
DragBus Rat Stylee part three – giving it a home-made primer paint job
Keeping the theme of a Rat Style the finish of the paint has to be either original or very close to original – well we were out of original paint on our VW Camper, what with the extreme rust and pitting, plus the numerous panel replacements. So.. Read the rest of this entry »
So now we’ve identified the Bus we’re going to make Rat Style – a deluxe bus with walk through front seats – its time to make it solid underneath. Our requirement is for a welded solid bus with excellent running gear that on the outside looked like … well crap really. Read the rest of this entry »

Rat Style Camper – finding a suitable subject
DragBus Rat Style part one – start with a rusty VW Bus
The build spec for this project was a solid deluxe walk through Bus in a Rat Style – with an engine. Rat style and hoodride campers are all unique – no two will be the same – vintage accessories and parts, air cooled engines, custom or stock wheels are a given but its the bodywork and how worn it is that makes the statement. Read the rest of this entry »

Put a 2276cc engine in a VW Camper, lower it and drive it like you stole it
Video clip driving the DragBus in the Great Smoky Mountains – scared passenger
Some adult language in this one as our friend and long time VW officionado Rhett wants to be driven through the Great Smoky mountains.. he was holding the camera